Our Partners

Among our closest Partners:


FIM (Federation of French Mechanical Industries)

E7 is FIM official Correspondent in China.

This important industrial federation aims to help companies produce in France and expand into global markets.

FIM presently brings together 27 trade associations, representing some 30 000 enterprises (of which 95% SMEs or smaller) and weighing more than 600 000 people for a turnover of 115 billion euros (ranking 6th in the world).

Link to FIM website: www.fim.net


Bretagne Commerce International (BCI)

BCI is a not-for-profit association commissioned by the Bretagne regional government in order to:

  • assist Breton companies with their international development,
  • identify and support foreign investors with plans to expand and deploy their activity into Europe/France with a stronghold in Bretagne Region.

E7 has been agreed several years ago as BCI’s Partner for China, and many Breton companies, not a few from agri and food sector, have already been introduced into China.

Link to BCI website: www.bretagnecommerceinternational.com


University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

Pierre DHOMPS has been sitting for years at the Board of University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, as delegate for MEDEF 92.

He gives there advice and lectures on management and international business; several projects in China are carried out by E7 with the University and its Colleges.

Link to University website: www.u-paris10.fr

MEDEF (French main Employers’ Association)

Pierre DHOMPS is a Member of MEDEF 92 (Hauts-de-Seine county) and takes part to Economic Intelligence Group for Île-de-France Region.

He represents MEDEF 92 to the Board of University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.ComIntellEcoMedef

Link to Medef Île-de-France website: www.medef92.fr

Other Partners

Haining Economic Development Zone
LogoHainingExtraitHaining city, located between Shanghai (100 km) and Hangzhou (50 km), has entrusted E7 with its representation in France, as a correspondent for all companies located in this economic development zone, and also in order to encourage French companies to settle there. HainingSituationHainingGreen
Link to Haining Economic Development Zone: www.hnedz.com/en/index.asp
Teleshopping in Shanghai

Energie 7 International  has partnered with a teleshopping producer broadcasting in and around Shanghai.

The products offered must be of quality, available in China at the time of broadcasting and offered at a competitive price compared to an usual distribution scheme.