About Us
Our job consists in helping you develop your business in China in the long run
Capitalizing on more than 30 year experience with China, ENERGIE 7 International helps and support European companies seeking to settle on the Chinese market.
E7 offers you a tailored solution to the market approach, aiming at developing your business in the long term.
Whether your project is to sell, to buy, to outsource or to set up business in China, our team of consultants and experts dedicated to the Chinese market will advise and support you in all your endeavours.
Over the years, ENERGIE 7 International has woven in China a network of both economic and political relationships called “guanxi”, a key element to enter this market and to settle there for the long term. Only founding on years of experience can help you building strongly and long-lasting in this country, that is still experiencing a quicker growth than most Western countries do, but where establishing trust requires much time and relationships.